Porn Pitt is a reality porn ponstar site that follows a retired store clerk who quits his job to pursue a different American dream, which mostly involves sex with amateur women. We see how he and his friends have ponstar with Porn Pitt girls from all over the world and film it for your enjoyment, all while making money from their adventures. There are currently 916 updates available, all of which contain porn videos, and about 175 of them have photo galleries that seem to consist mostly of vidcaps. The porn videos can be streamed or downloaded in MP4 format. There are at most 1000 that appear. Versions are also available in previous updates, indicated by 1000. Older updates may have different specifications depending on when they were recorded. Updates are made weekly. The Porn Pitt site claims that everything they shoot here is completely real, and seems pretty determined to send a heartfelt “Fuck you!” to other reality porn sites. I’ve always been one of them, but this Porn Pitt site seems chock full of stuff they couldn’t make up. Every ride and every tease they do doesn’t seem staged — and some of it would be nearly impossible to stage anyway. The whole thing is shot in such an entertaining travelogue style that it’s hard not to get sucked in right away. Some people don’t like the shaky handheld video, but you get used to it. The actual action itself isn’t too bad overall, you find some pretty nice girls and have ponstar with them while having some humorous dialogue. ponstar But seriously, this is pretty graphic stuff. The porn may not be technically top-notch, but the sense of realism gives it something special. This has the feel of an independent amateur porn site, thanks to a fairly simple but very functional layout and design features. To browse the content, the top menu has separate sections for the Latest Ponstar Videos, Top Rated, Most Popular, and Longest. There are links to photos there as well. The updates are presented on easy-to-navigate pages with tube-style thumbnails. The updates are good, the information about each update is informative enough, and there are good browsing options too. There’s even a blog. Pornpitt is pretty much what you’d get if a real amateur tried to create their pornpitt porn site. They develop an honest relationship that was never really arranged. The element of realism and unpredictability are the most appealing aspects of this site. Also, the Pornpitt site has seen a lot of growth since my last visit to ponstar, thanks to regular weekly updates.
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